YOUR vote counts: 2017 General Election 8th June

 How will the general election impact students?

Universities have an impact on all aspects of life in Britain. Our jobs, our investments, our world-leading researches, our exports.  As Higher Education is becoming more inclusive, it gives the opportunity for people to transform their life prospects. Therefore, it is important we choose the right party which will empower the university to fulfil their potential, as their policies will affect university students and staff.

The most discussed debate that draws students’ attention is the implications of students’ tuition funding. For universities, the priority is to ensure sufficient levels of funding are received to deliver a high-quality, world-leading experience for students.  Labour has pledged to scrap tuition fees and the Liberal Democrats have proposed to review how the Higher Education is financed. Though none of the major parties have come up with similar proposals, the Liberal Democrats and Labour are similar in that they are both committed to reintroducing maintenance grants for the poorest students, following their replacement by loans from 2016/17 and reinstating NHS bursaries for student nurses.

The Conservative Party makes no proposals for significant regulatory changes to the sector. However, they plan to require universities wishing to charge maximum tuition fees to be involved in academy sponsorship or the founding of Free Schools. They pledged to conduct a review of tertiary education to ensure that students get value for money on their courses.

One thing all the major parties do recognise is the importance of improving mental health services in the UK. The Conservatives are committed to support young people with mental health problems and to publish a Green Paper on the subject by end of 2017.

Whichever party comes into power after June 8th, the university sector will have to work closely with the government to ensure the sector continues to thrive.  If you want to read more about the implications click here.

If you haven’t made up your mind, read up on whom to vote for; look at the manifesto guide or try the political quiz to help you decide! Whatever you decide the Learning Support Centre will continue to empower you to fulfil your potential.

Written by Olivia Shek